
Pubg test server login
Pubg test server login

This are simply step to slove bgmi login problem if you face any other problems then comment bellow or don’t forget to join our telegram and subscribe our youtube channel.

  • After successfully login of fb account open battle ground mobile india and click on fb login option.
  • Open Facebook app and login your fb account that linked with bgmi.
  • pubg test server login

    Go to Google Play Store & Search ‘ Facebook’.You can slove this problem only in one minute Follow bellow step to slove bgmi login problem. From Racial Equality to Voting and Covid, we play on multiple fields. KRAFTON Also Read:- Pubg C1S3 Release Date And C1S2 End Date ( M5 ROYAL PASS BGMI)Īlso Read:- Pubg New State Apk + Obb Download Link How We Can Slove Server Authentication Error login Failed Problem. PUBG uses its platforms and voice to support and promote causes and movements beyond gaming universe. In case of any changes, please be assured that we will inform you promptly through further NOTICE. We apologize once again for any inconvenience caused by above changes.

    pubg test server login

    After November 5th, logins will be disabled unless the Facebook App is installed on your device we apologize for the inconvenience, but please install the Facebook App to use the game.

    Pubg test server login